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Our History

Person lifting up hands and worshipping
People sitting next to each other at a table

OLTS was built by...

The unity of faith leaders who shared a common goal—addressing the critical decline in spiritual zeal and church attendance throughout the nation.
People sitting in a classroom and listening to a lecture
Front of a church building
People huddled together in prayer
Man praying over Bible with clasped hands


OLTS started its work with local churches, edifying and igniting the community and unifying leaders in faith and purpose. 
Young people sitting in rows attending church
Person underlining verses in the Bible

Deepening Scriptural Understanding…

OLTS seeks to restore the body of Christ by supporting fellow believers as they build stronger foundations in faith. 
People sitting next to each other and listening
Reading the Bible

Hand in hand Leadership Around the World…

OLTS is working to reach communities all over to edify and support the revival of our global body of Christ. 

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in God’s calling for your life.

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